Rhinoceros 5.12.50810.13095 SR12 Multilingual x64

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发表于 2015-8-21 14:56:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Rhinoceros 5.12.50810.13095512 SR12 Multilingual (x64) | 1.11 GB
Rhino 5.0 is the market leader in industrial design modeling software. Highly complicated shapes can be directly modeled or acquired through 3D digitizers. With its powerful NURBS based engine Rhino 5.0 can create, edit, analyze, and translate curves, surfaces, and solids.
There are no limits on complexity, degree, or size. McNeel Rhino 5.0 also supports polygon meshes and point clouds for a complete coverage of geometric data types. With its unparalleled modeling power McNeel Rhino 5.0 lets you focus on designing, not on cumbersome modeling workarounds.
Major goals for Rhino 5:
- The world's most robust 3‑D development platform for specialty modeling, rendering, analysis, and fabrication tools across a wide variety of disciplines.
- More accessible development tools: Grasshopper, rhino.Python, the RhinoScript editor, the Zoo license manager for plug‑ins, and the Rhino Installer Engine are key ingredients.
- Compatibility with Rhino 4 plug-ins. All 32‑bit Rhino 4 plug-ins should run in 32‑bit Rhino 5 without modification or recompiling.
- Open source more of the Rhino development tools, including rhino.Python, RhinoCommon, and the 3DM viewer on iOS.
- Free‑of‑charge developer tools, including technical support, marketing support, and training. All of our development tools are available to everyone with a valid Rhino license. No special program registration, contracts, license agreement, or approval is needed.
- Localization and translation services available.
Other features in Rhinoceros 5:
- Toolbars, Buttons, and Macros
- Grasshopper
- RhinoScript
- rhino.Python
- .NET Plug-ins
- C++ Plug-ins
- Renderer Development Kit
- Rhino Skins
- Zoo License Management for Plug-ins
- The Rhino Installer Engine
- Food4Rhino
- openNURBS
- Localization Services
- Marketing Support
What is new in Rhino 5:
More than 3,500 enhancements
The Rhino 5 development process started more than five years ago with one overriding goal—to remove as many of your workflow bottlenecks as possible. That meant making Rhino faster and able to handle much larger models and project teams, in addition to making thousands of large and small improvements.
Object creation in Rhino continues to be enhanced. Rhino 5 adds dozens of refinements to existing tools, some new commands, and the new lightweight extrusion objects.
Editing complex models is faster and easier with hundreds of new and enhanced commands.
The Rhino 5 interface includes new tools for editing and object creation.
- Speed improvements
- Quick viewport display configuration
- Working display modes expanded and enhanced
- Presentation and rendered display modes expanded and enhanced
- Display mode plug‑in support enhanced
High‑quality presentation is critical to most design projects. Rhino 5 has enhanced the rendering tools in both the basic Rhino renderer and in support of plug‑in renderers.
Every type of physical product design relies on technical illustration and 2‑D drawing to concisely communicate ideas, specifications, and instructions to people in design, development, and fabrication. Our goal for Rhino 5 is to make it easier to create 2‑D drawings and illustrations for every discipline in every notation system and visual style used around the world.
Digital Fabrication and 3‑D Printing
As you may know, the Rhino development project started nearly 20 years ago to provide marine designers with tools for building computer models that could be used to drive the digitally controlled fabrication equipment used in shipyards.
Mesh Tools
Robust mesh import, export, creation, and editing tools are critical to all phases of design.
3‑D Capture
Scanned townCapturing existing 3‑D data is often one of the first steps in a design project. Rhino has always directly supported both 3‑D digitizing hardware and 3‑D scanned point cloud data.
Design realization requires high‑quality 3‑D models in every phase of design, presentation, analysis, and fabrication. Rhino 5 includes new tools and enhancements to help ensure that the 3‑D models used throughout your process are the highest possible quality.
Large Projects
Large ProjectsMore than 25 new commands and major enhancements for working with large teams organize, manage, and administer massive projects and huge files.
Nine new import/export file formats, more than 50 new compatibility enhancements, and more than 150 minor bug fixes. Also, the updated openNURBS libraries allow hundreds of other applications to read and write Rhino's native 3DM files.
- Take more advantage of current hardware
- Easier license deployment in larger installations
- Easier to share (float) licenses in a workgroup and company
- Easier to manage and track licenses
- Easier to keep licenses up‑to‑date with the current bug fix service release
- Provide more training and support options
Beyond Rhino 5
We provide everyone as much information as possible during every development phase. We try not to keep any secrets. All our development is open to the owner of a current version of Rhino.

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