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发表于 2012-6-19 01:23:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
We were very impressed with the 2012 3D Rendering contest results. So impressed we wanted to have another opportunity for people to win a license of KeyShot! This time we're teaming up with the GrabCAD community for a friendly competition! Yes, the GrabCAD community and the KeyShot community are going head-to-head to see which can submit the most creative, high-quality renderings possible. Here are the guidelines for those submitting renderings and animations here, on the KeyShot forum.

The theme of this rendering competition is ENGINES.  GrabCAD is filled with amazing models and many in the Engine category are among the most interesting and detailed. A rendering of any Engine model may be submitted for the contest. We'll have three winners. One for best rendering, one for best animation and one for best student rendering. The best rendering and best animation wins a seat of KeyShot Pro with Animation, the best student entry receives a KeyShot education license. All will receive the enduring admiration of the KeyShot crew and community! Here are all the details.

Note: If you have questions on the contest, simply reply to this thread.

KeyShot Engine Rendering Contest

Engines come in all shapes and sizes, from two-stroke lawnmower engines and outboard boat motors to massive truck and commercial airliner engines. Your goal? Create the most stunning 3D rendering or animation of an engine, for any type of plane, train, boat, automobile or equipment.


  • Create a captivating 3D rendering or animation of an Engine model (See 'Models' below)
  • Rendering and/or animation must be done in KeyShot (any version)

Note: For a KeyShot trial without watermarked renderings, email license@luxion.com with "KeyShot Engine Rendering Challenge" in the subject line. You will receive a 15 day license for use in the contest.

To submit your rendering and enter the contest:

  • Upload your submissions to this 2012 Engine Rendering Challenge board http://keyshot.com/forum/index.php/board,49.0.html as a NEW TOPIC using the attachment option.
  • Screenshots or fully rendered images are fine.
  • Multiple entries are acceptable.
  • Post edits are acceptable.
  • Link to the GrabCAD model you are rendering

Note: With your submission, it's nice to know what work went into your rendering or animation! Tell us what modeling software or other tools are used. If post editing is done, show a before and after. It's always interesting to see!

Judged on:
The submissions will be judged by GrabCAD and KeyShot staff on three criteria:

  • Realism
  • Creativity
  • Composition

Best Rendering: KeyShot Pro with Animation license
Best Animation: KeyShot Pro with Animation license
Best Student Rendering: KeyShot EDU license

Saturday July 7th, Midnight PST.

The winner will be announced Thursday, July 12th on the KeyShot blog, newsletter, Facebook page and Twitter as well as on the GrabCAD blog.

Here is one very cool model we recommend. This aircraft engine model was created by Vasileios Thalassinos in Creo,  posted here on GrabCAD. Below is the .bip version of the file, imported into KeyShot and ready to go!

Engine .bip file
Engine .step file (if you would like to modify the model in any way.)

Note: You may also choose to use another Engine model from GrabCAD (Be sure to give credit to the creator of the model you use.)
GrabCAD Engine category

Small Print:
Luxion and GrabCAD retain the right to use any image or animation submitted for purposes of promotion and marketing. All rights to the image belong to the person creating the image and attribution will be given when an image is used. Additional requests for use of model or images may be requested of the user via email.

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发表于 2012-7-19 16:49:51 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2012-7-20 14:27:30 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-5-17 09:27:15 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-8-9 16:37:16 | 只看该作者
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