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发表于 2023-4-3 08:53:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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发表于 2024-4-22 18:56:15 | 显示全部楼层
济南体检代检青岛代人体检【Q 23*7267*1680】烟台代替体检,德州入职体检代检,临沂代体检The wonderful awareness of the true life of the self, the clear vacuum system, is named Ming Ming, and the aura.The human body is called a walking corpse when it is manifested, and it is called a dead corpse that cannot feel or move, stinking meat when it is destined to go away. This is because the human body is a material body formed by the qi of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and the spiritual light is the direct decomposition of the vacuum. Bright light.Sunlight is emitted by objects, not magical light.Lamp is a body, and light is a function. Light can illuminate objects, but it does not have the function of feeling and reflecting objects.  The light body cannot be destroyed. The light is useful. It is unique and has wonderful wisdom, awakening and induction functions.The spiritual light shines alone, the wisdom light shines universally, and all natural phenomena are imprinted in the light.The mind is all-encompassing, its eternal brightness is as bright as the vacuum, its invisible forms are always arising and passing away, and its merits are immeasurable.Material merit cannot reach the enlightenment of one's own nature, and there is no nature of merit. 体检代检济南,青岛,烟台,潍坊,淄博,临沂,泰安,德州,聊城,滨州,济宁,东营,莱芜,菏泽,威海,枣庄,日照.The number of blessings is limited and limited, but the merits of the Tathagata who have enlightened one's own nature are immeasurable.Saving people and clarifying their lives is better than creating a seven-level pagoda, not just the body.
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